Cue The Beach Boys: "Dit du du, da da da do do, dim duh did doo Did did did doo di... If I only Had a Little Pad... in Hawaiiiiii...." (Don't know what I'm singing? Check out 1967's Smiley Smile... or listen on You Tube: This song was my anthem from 2008-2009 as I scraped and saved to make this dream come true!)
But I digress...
Two years ago, keys newly in hand, I was sleeping on the couch in the living room as the house underwent its initial up-to-living-standards renovation. The peacock blue shag carpet still covered the living room floor (and don't forget the yellow shag in the office and the orange shag in the bedroom) and the only power coming from one socket near the couch with an extra-long extension cord and a construction spotlight. I was showering late at night in the back yard (or on a few special occasions I'd go to a friend's house). I ate nothing but McDonalds and Jack in the Box for at least week. Luckily, I had one toilet that flushed and the weather was almost warm enough to merit a hose shower. I showed up every day to work with streaks of paint hidden behind elbows and in my hair. I was having the time of my life making my falling-apart-house into my cozy little home.
So much has happened since that day. I changed jobs. I painted walls, ripped out carpet, patched holes and oversaw a bathroom overhaul. I built a pergola and hung a hammock. I changed roommates, twice. I got chickens. Then I got more chickens. Then I got crazy-person amounts of chickens. I planted gardens. I planted fruit trees. I caught wild roosters. I made friends with my neighbors. I said goodbye to my Mustang-car and bought an old SUV. I planted more garden beds and more fruit trees. I started a farmers market-based bakery. I dated more than a few loser boys. I decided that running a bakery part time was neither profitable or fun. I took trips to the mainland to visit new nieces and nephews and see old, dear friends. I started baking simply for the joy of baking again. I oversaw minor renovations on the house (like adding on an outdoor shower and a small gray-water recycling system). I christened the house Lolo Gardens and embraced the Urban Homestead movement.
So two years in the house. Two years without any major International-Destination vacations. Two years pouring my heart and savings into the earth below and the roof above my head. And aside from the first 48-hours filled with the "What the hell did I just do with my life savings, and for the love of God, WHY?"-type thoughts, I have loved every minute of it.
In you're curious (or just want to read my brag list) here's what's Growing these days at Lolo Gardens:
Tangerines, Avocados, Bananas, Papaya, Green Figs, Purple Figs, Strawberry Guavas, Pomegranates, Mangoes, Lemons , Blueberries, Poha Berries, Purple & Yellow Lilikoi, Tomatoes, Bush Beans, Pole Beans, Corn, Sweet Potatoes, Asparagus, Kale, Chaya, Chard, Carrots, Beets, Broccoli, Squash, Lemongrass, Purple Basil, Thai Basil, Green Basil, Thyme, Oregano, Mint, Lemonbalm, Pineapple, Onions, Okinawan Spinach, Nastrurtiums, Orchids, Gardenias, Bougainvilleas, Brunfelsia, Pikake, Chives, Sunflowers, Hibiscus, Roselle, Crown Flowers, Gerbera Daisys, Gladiolas, Blue Jade Vine, Jasmines, Stephonotis, Ti , Gingers, Heleconias, Blue Thingy, Impatiens, Roses, Snapdragons, Rosemary, Sage, Lavender, Poinsettias, Pansies, Marigolds and Free-Range Brown Eggs from 9 Crazy Hens!