Sitting home on a Friday night, watching Billy Elliot again for the first time in years (it just never gets old. It seems more viscerally moving every time I see it), computing recipe costs and eating a bowl of ice cream. And talking on the phone with a cute boy... but only after the movie was over and I'd dried my happy tears. (ps- Can I mention how much I MISS seeing live ballet. I would just die to see an inspired production of the male Swan Lake. Chills just thinking about it).
So its my kind of a Friday night. The roommate is out and I have the house to myself. The rain smells sweet like wet grass and asphalt as it leaks it's big, fat, heavy drops onto the tin roof of the church next door. It's making percussive music as it falls. Tchaikovsky is playing on Spotify. All is more than well.
I'm happy to say a very productive week just wrapped. I met with a business counsellor. I priced out ingredients at Costco and the local food co-op. I realize that I need to find a better wholesale option than Costco. I got a quote on insurance. I researched available business names. I consulted with my mom about her experience running her own business. I bought new makeup and set dates with two men. And I dreamed that my little Farmers Market Bake Shop evolved into a coffee shop cafe in blossoming Palolo (my neighborhood), complete with al fresco dining and a glossy light wood interior. And I dreamed, on top of that dream, that I managed to make myself into this generation's Martha Steward. Baking, Sewing, Gardening, Home Improvement Projects and more... Better Homes & Gardens will be pounding down my door for an interview. So now I am trying to snap back to reality. Tugging on my own reins. I need to START SLOW. Which is so funny to remind myself that because a week ago I was terrified of even thinking of renting kitchen space. It's all feeling very doable right now, and it's thrilling.
I'm thinking a Baking Breakfast for friends is in store. I need feedback on recipes. I need feedback on proposed business names. And I need to figure out exactly how many muffins/ cookies/ slices of pound cake are in these recipes anyway. So stay tuned. Your tummy may be invited to breakfast at the house very soon!
The ongoing story of a single gal figuring out how to start a mobile bakery and find a boyfriend.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Sweet Potato Goodness prevails. Being on time? Nope.
Two challenges today. Well, maybe three if you count being on time as one of them. That's already an epic fail.
I visited the new farmers market this morning and am forever changed. Never again will I wade through the crowds at the more well-known "KCC" market. The new market was large enough to have plenty of selection, busy enough to run into friends, yet slow enough to be able to chat with vendors and enjoy the morning. Feeling inspired, I chatted up the Market Manager, telling her about my yummy Mango Bread, Banana Bread & Avocado Pound Cake and my desire to have a booth selling my goods. Though she said 'Mmmmm, sounds delicious', she immediately followed that by 'but we already have two bakers here.' She suggested bringing by a sample of my goods next week and she'd think about it. Now, I am totally jumping the gun but even chatting with her yet. I am no where near ready to go. But maybe I need to stop being so damn methodical and get a fire lit under my ass. So, inspired like I was going to bake all my best recipes in the same week (what was I thinking?) along with designing packaging and apparently becoming Superbakerwoman, I came home with 20 ripe Lilikoi, 4 long and thin mangoes and 3 huge avocados.
So challenge #1- impress Market Manager in very near future with scrumptious samples. Which will also require packaging/ stickers/ logos designed. And a business name. Crap. I've got a lot to do.
Once home I threw around some ideas for what to make for the "Locally Made" potluck I was supposed to be at over an hour ago (quick aside- I'm typing while the pie is baking... so this technically isn't adding to the tardiness). Mango Bread is out because the Mangoes I bought are too green. Avocado Pound Cake has the same problem. The Lilikois are destined for Curd, so no sense cutting them open yet. I have a half gone jar of Lemon Curd in the fridge, but not enough to make something for a crowd. And I have an ENORMOUS Sweet Potato that is waiting to be used for something...
So challenge #2- Make something delicious and local with what is currently in the kitchen- so "Sweet Potato Something" it will be.
And the underlying challenge #3. Do yard work, bake something yummy, clean house & then proceed to run all over town retracing my morning market jaunt looking for lost cell phone and still be on time to potluck. FAIL. What I actually did was run all over town looking for cell phone to no avail, plant some seeds, clean a bit and take a long nap. And now I am almost 1 1/2 hours late for said potluck with 45 minutes left on the pie's timer. EPIC fail.
So what can I be successful at today? Baking Sweet Potato Pie!
So taking on the Sweet Potato Monster, I eyeballed that bowling ball-sized tuber and estimated it was about 4-5 cups of mashed goodness. Enough to make two pies. One for the potluck, and one for a going away party tomorrow.
I washed it off, sliced it into manageable chunks and peeled it with a peeler. Then I cooked down the chunks. If I had planned ahead I would have boiled them on the stove. But I didn't, so I covered them with water and put them in the microwave for about five 8-minute sessions. Once they slid tenderly off the knife I kept poking them with, I drained them and let them cool.
Now most sweet potato recipes tell you never to put them in a mixer because they get gummy. I have to agree, but timing was not on my side. Nor could I find my potato masher. So mixer it was. I didn't overmix. There are still a few soft lumps in the potato mash. I think that's ok. But that is entirely your call. I mixed it together and licked the spatula more than I should. I really won't be too hungry at this potluck tonight after my Sweet Potato Pie pre-dinner batter-licking feast. But my verdict? Totally worth it.
So here's the official unofficial recipe:
Backyard Sweet Potato Pie
Modified from Joy the Baker's "Dad's Perfect Sweet Potato Pie"
In a medium sized bowl, beat the three eggs with a fork. Add the rest of the can of evaporated milk, granulated sugar and vanilla to the eggs and continue beating until creamy. Pour the cooled sweet potato mixture from pot into a large bowl. Stir in the egg mixture. Blend thoroughly.
Pour the yumminess into 9" or 10" pie crust (choose 9" and you'll be licking the spatula a lot with the extra).
Bake 425 degrees for 10 minutes. Then lower the temp to 325 degrees for 45 minutes or so, until it plumps around the edges and doesn't jiggle much when you tap it. Let it cool before serving (well, let it cool a little...)
Enjoy with whipped cream! Yum!
I visited the new farmers market this morning and am forever changed. Never again will I wade through the crowds at the more well-known "KCC" market. The new market was large enough to have plenty of selection, busy enough to run into friends, yet slow enough to be able to chat with vendors and enjoy the morning. Feeling inspired, I chatted up the Market Manager, telling her about my yummy Mango Bread, Banana Bread & Avocado Pound Cake and my desire to have a booth selling my goods. Though she said 'Mmmmm, sounds delicious', she immediately followed that by 'but we already have two bakers here.' She suggested bringing by a sample of my goods next week and she'd think about it. Now, I am totally jumping the gun but even chatting with her yet. I am no where near ready to go. But maybe I need to stop being so damn methodical and get a fire lit under my ass. So, inspired like I was going to bake all my best recipes in the same week (what was I thinking?) along with designing packaging and apparently becoming Superbakerwoman, I came home with 20 ripe Lilikoi, 4 long and thin mangoes and 3 huge avocados.
So challenge #1- impress Market Manager in very near future with scrumptious samples. Which will also require packaging/ stickers/ logos designed. And a business name. Crap. I've got a lot to do.
![]() |
Holy Sweet Potato, Batman! |
So challenge #2- Make something delicious and local with what is currently in the kitchen- so "Sweet Potato Something" it will be.
And the underlying challenge #3. Do yard work, bake something yummy, clean house & then proceed to run all over town retracing my morning market jaunt looking for lost cell phone and still be on time to potluck. FAIL. What I actually did was run all over town looking for cell phone to no avail, plant some seeds, clean a bit and take a long nap. And now I am almost 1 1/2 hours late for said potluck with 45 minutes left on the pie's timer. EPIC fail.
So what can I be successful at today? Baking Sweet Potato Pie!
Making the monster manageable size. Then I forgot to keep taking pictures. My bad. |
I washed it off, sliced it into manageable chunks and peeled it with a peeler. Then I cooked down the chunks. If I had planned ahead I would have boiled them on the stove. But I didn't, so I covered them with water and put them in the microwave for about five 8-minute sessions. Once they slid tenderly off the knife I kept poking them with, I drained them and let them cool.
Now most sweet potato recipes tell you never to put them in a mixer because they get gummy. I have to agree, but timing was not on my side. Nor could I find my potato masher. So mixer it was. I didn't overmix. There are still a few soft lumps in the potato mash. I think that's ok. But that is entirely your call. I mixed it together and licked the spatula more than I should. I really won't be too hungry at this potluck tonight after my Sweet Potato Pie pre-dinner batter-licking feast. But my verdict? Totally worth it.
So here's the official unofficial recipe:
Backyard Sweet Potato Pie
Modified from Joy the Baker's "Dad's Perfect Sweet Potato Pie"
- 2 cups mashed cooked sweet potatoes. I used a local white fleshed variety.
- 3/4 cup packed brown sugar
- 1/2 cup granulated sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1/8 teaspoon ground ginger
- 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
- 1/8 teaspoon ground allspice
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter, melted
- 1 12 oz. can evaporated milk, divided.
- 3 large eggs
- 1 tablespoon vanilla
In a medium sized bowl, beat the three eggs with a fork. Add the rest of the can of evaporated milk, granulated sugar and vanilla to the eggs and continue beating until creamy. Pour the cooled sweet potato mixture from pot into a large bowl. Stir in the egg mixture. Blend thoroughly.
Pour the yumminess into 9" or 10" pie crust (choose 9" and you'll be licking the spatula a lot with the extra).
Bake 425 degrees for 10 minutes. Then lower the temp to 325 degrees for 45 minutes or so, until it plumps around the edges and doesn't jiggle much when you tap it. Let it cool before serving (well, let it cool a little...)
Enjoy with whipped cream! Yum!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Babies, Gifts and Indulgent Strawberry Lemonade Cupcakes
I'm currently inspired by babies (not always... only sometimes... honestly, rarely... sort of... Christ).
So my niece Morgan Brynn came into the world at 6 pounds, 15 ounces yesterday, and I couldn't be a prouder auntie! Yesterday I also received an email from a pregnant friend who is currently enjoying 3 weeks abroad in Italy with her baby bump just beginning to show. I then found out a favorite little inchworm, 2-month-old Hope, is coming into town with her mama Susan on Sunday. And tomorrow I am hosting a good friend's baby shower at the house- 10 women crammed into my living room making small talk about babies (or lack thereof) and playing awkward games involving faux poopy diapers, giant diaper pins and charading through guessing games about who's getting knocked up next. Luckily I am only responsible for opening my doors and baking cupcakes. Cupcakes I can handle. And buying a gift. Shit, I forgot to buy a gift.
So... showers. Why the heck do I always seem to be buying gifts for people having awkwardly traditional events that I do not qualify for? Bridal Showers. Baby Showers. Bachlorette Parties. Graduations. You don't really have a Shower for a Graduation, but you get a party and you still need to buy people crap. Weddings. Bar Mitzvahs. The list goes on.
I love my friends and love giving gifts, but lately I feel like I am continually checking someone's registry and plunking down a credit card for cute items I wish I had in my own house, but I am too broke to buy for myself. I want a Shower. I want cute Anthropology bowls and plates. I want a new set of La Creuset baking dishes and a soft Cashmere blanket. Much like Carrie Bradford registering for a pair of Manolos in that old Sex & The City episode (Season 6, Episode 8.3. I had to look that up, but obviously that episode resonated with me), I want an excuse for people to shower me with gifts that doesn't require reciprocation. I want. I want. I want. Greedly little bugger, aren't I?
So how can I make these cupcakes into something like a bit of a gift to me? First off, I can throw out any concept of 'healthy' out the window. I will abandon any inkling of 'diet' and thoroughly indulge. Second, I will bake extras and bring them to the picnic and concert I'm heading to tomorrow night. A little indulgent baking to share with any available good-looking men is never a bad idea. And Third, I am going to make all tomorrow's Shower attendees remember how damn good the cupcakes were so that eventually (hopefully, God-willingly) they will shower me with all the cute and non-essential crap that keeps stacking up on my "Dear Toothfairy/ Santa/ Sugar Daddy/ Important Grantor of all Shower-Requiring Events Deity" list when such a time comes. One would hope.
Until then, Cupcakes. Inspired by my Limon Curd session last week and this ode to the little muchkins and munchkins-to-be, I've decided to pair something sweet and pink (Strawberries & Cream Cheese) with something tart and acerbic (Limon Curd) and wrap it together with something traditional and delicious (Vanilla, Sugar and Butter). That about sums up my feelings toward this whole baby business. As much as I gripe about buying gifts and bemoan being single, I love my girlfriends and their little monsters more than anything in the world.
Strawberry Lemonade Cupcakes- makes 2 dozen cupcakes
adapted from Sprinklers Strawberry Cupcakes by Candace Nelson
So my niece Morgan Brynn came into the world at 6 pounds, 15 ounces yesterday, and I couldn't be a prouder auntie! Yesterday I also received an email from a pregnant friend who is currently enjoying 3 weeks abroad in Italy with her baby bump just beginning to show. I then found out a favorite little inchworm, 2-month-old Hope, is coming into town with her mama Susan on Sunday. And tomorrow I am hosting a good friend's baby shower at the house- 10 women crammed into my living room making small talk about babies (or lack thereof) and playing awkward games involving faux poopy diapers, giant diaper pins and charading through guessing games about who's getting knocked up next. Luckily I am only responsible for opening my doors and baking cupcakes. Cupcakes I can handle. And buying a gift. Shit, I forgot to buy a gift.
So... showers. Why the heck do I always seem to be buying gifts for people having awkwardly traditional events that I do not qualify for? Bridal Showers. Baby Showers. Bachlorette Parties. Graduations. You don't really have a Shower for a Graduation, but you get a party and you still need to buy people crap. Weddings. Bar Mitzvahs. The list goes on.
I love my friends and love giving gifts, but lately I feel like I am continually checking someone's registry and plunking down a credit card for cute items I wish I had in my own house, but I am too broke to buy for myself. I want a Shower. I want cute Anthropology bowls and plates. I want a new set of La Creuset baking dishes and a soft Cashmere blanket. Much like Carrie Bradford registering for a pair of Manolos in that old Sex & The City episode (Season 6, Episode 8.3. I had to look that up, but obviously that episode resonated with me), I want an excuse for people to shower me with gifts that doesn't require reciprocation. I want. I want. I want. Greedly little bugger, aren't I?
So how can I make these cupcakes into something like a bit of a gift to me? First off, I can throw out any concept of 'healthy' out the window. I will abandon any inkling of 'diet' and thoroughly indulge. Second, I will bake extras and bring them to the picnic and concert I'm heading to tomorrow night. A little indulgent baking to share with any available good-looking men is never a bad idea. And Third, I am going to make all tomorrow's Shower attendees remember how damn good the cupcakes were so that eventually (hopefully, God-willingly) they will shower me with all the cute and non-essential crap that keeps stacking up on my "Dear Toothfairy/ Santa/ Sugar Daddy/ Important Grantor of all Shower-Requiring Events Deity" list when such a time comes. One would hope.
Until then, Cupcakes. Inspired by my Limon Curd session last week and this ode to the little muchkins and munchkins-to-be, I've decided to pair something sweet and pink (Strawberries & Cream Cheese) with something tart and acerbic (Limon Curd) and wrap it together with something traditional and delicious (Vanilla, Sugar and Butter). That about sums up my feelings toward this whole baby business. As much as I gripe about buying gifts and bemoan being single, I love my girlfriends and their little monsters more than anything in the world.
Strawberry Lemonade Cupcakes- makes 2 dozen cupcakes
adapted from Sprinklers Strawberry Cupcakes by Candace Nelson
- 1/2 cup thick Strawberry Jam
- 3 cups all-purpose flour
- 2 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 cup whole milk, room temperature
- 2 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
- 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature
- 1 1/2 cup sugar
- 2 large egg, room temperature
- 4 large egg whites, room temperature
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line 2 12-cup muffin tins with cupcake liners; set aside.
In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, and salt; set aside.
In a small bowl, mix together milk, vanilla, and strawberry jam; set aside.
In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream butter on medium-high speed, until light and fluffy. Gradually add sugar and continue to beat until well combined and fluffy. Reduce the mixer speed to medium and slowly add egg and egg whites until just blended.
With the mixer on low, slowly add half the flour mixture; mix until just blended. Add the milk mixture; mix until just blended. Slowly add remaining flour mixture, scraping down sides of the bowl with a spatula, as necessary, until just blended.
Divide batter evenly among prepared muffin cups. Transfer muffin tin to oven and bake until tops are just dry to the touch, 22 to 25 minutes. Transfer muffin tin to a wire rack and let cupcakes cool completely before filling and frosting.
Once cool, take a sharp knife (a steak knife works well) and hollow out a chunk of cake (about the size of an extra large grape). Be sure to leave the bottom and sides of the cupcake untouched.Hollowed out cupcakes get the parfait treatment. Smoothing out the Limon/ Lemon curd filling.
Strawberry Jam smear atop the Curd.
Frost with a tiny dollop of yummy strawberry cream cheese frosting with a hint of lemon (recipe below). They guys don't really even need the frosting, but it looks pretty! Garnish with a sprig of fresh mint and a scant sprinkle of fresh lemon zest.
Strawberry Cream Cheese with Lemon frosting
1 teaspoon Strawberry Jam
Tiny squeeze of fresh lemon juice (maybe 1/2 teaspoon)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
2 oz (1/4 brick) cream cheese
1 cups Powdered Sugar
2 oz (1/4 stick) unsalted butter
Beat in electric mixer until light and dreamy.
Tonight's Listening Inspiration:
Mumford & Sons Sigh No More
Ingrid Michaelson Girls and Boys
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